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Article: Calcium Bentonite Clay - The Natural Body pH Balancer
by Perry A~ Arledge

pH ChartpH is the new buzz word these days regarding health as we have begun to discover the pitfalls and dangers when our bodies are over acidified from many sources. The result is diseases begin to manifest as we feed acid loving pathogens and enhance their proliferation by providing the perfect acid and oxygen-free medium they need to multiply.  A balanced body will heal itself. When the balance goes acidic the body is too stressed and overburdened to return to a state of balance without outside help.

Nancy Appleton, Ph. D,  a nutritional consultant, stated in an article published by the American Holistic Health Association, "The state of balance (homeostasis) is the key to health. As long as your body is in homeostasis, it is healing. When it is out of homeostasis, it is on the degenerative disease process."And a recent article by Ethan Huff in Natural News stated, "Maintaining pH balance in the body has become an important subject of modern health research as it is being concluded that general wellness is predicated upon it."2

Have you ever made Amish Friendship bread with a yeast starter that is fed with 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of milk, mixed well and left on the kitchen cabinet to ferment for 5 days?  In the process of fermentation gas is released as bubbles, the bag expands and you have to crack the bag and release the gaseous mixture. So the gaseous mixture is released, leaving an acidic, anaerobic environment which is ideal for the rapid growth of bacteria to take place.

According to Wikipedia, "Fermentations in food processing typically refers to the conversion of sugar to alcohol using yeast, bacteria, or a combination thereof, under anaerobic conditions."3  A more general definition of fermentation is the chemical conversion of carbohydrates into alcohols or acids. It also states that ethanol fermentation, is a form of anaerobic respiration used primarily by yeasts when oxygen is not present in sufficient quantity for normal cellular respiration.

So when we eat excessive amounts of sugar, yeast breads and carbohydrates, acid sodas and acid producing foods we are in effect weakening the body's natural defenses to heal itself.

Robert O. Young tells us in The pH Miracle, that just about all health problems stem from being acidic. This is because parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, and Candida overgrowth - all of which are the root causes of what we give thousands of disease names - thrive in acidic environments. But those problems don't do well in an alkaline environment.4

Kim Evans is a natural health writer and author of Cleaning Up! In her article, Acid or Alkaline: Why Your Health Depends on It, that appeared in the Natural News on September 4, 2009, reported that: "It's been found that cancer doesn't do well in an alkaline environment, and is most often found in bodies with a pH around 4 or 5, which is highly acidic. The fact that forty percent of the population is expected to have a problem with cancer is very telling about the acidic nature of people these days, and the problems with our standard diets."5

pH is essentially a measure of the oxygen to hydrogen, therefore, substances in the body with more oxygen than hydrogen will be on the alkaline side.  On the pH scale 7 is neutral, and anything above 7 is alkaline; anything below 7 is acidic.

There are lists all over the internet, and books as well, that tell you how to eat for an alkaline pH.  What most people want to know is how to eat right when they're on the go.  Let's face it most menus support high carbs and greasy meats, so what can you do?

The answer is really very simple.  Just eat or drink a high alkaline hydrated or liquid calcium Bentonite clay on a daily basis and before you eat or drink something acidic. Look for a clay in the 9.0 or higher pH range.

Why clay you ask? Clays, for the most part, have a naturally high alkaline pH. Clay is homeostatic.  One of its major functions is to act as a catalyst to assist the body in returning to a balanced state. It accomplishes this in variety of beneficial ways.  Of course clay's alkaline ph factor is the primary one.

Calcium Bentonite clay, birthed from volcanic ash, has an extremely high negative ionic charge due to the thermodynamic heat from the volcano.  In essence this clay is tightly bound together trace minerals. Clays hold their integrity meaning the mineral components of clay stay bound together to make the clay molecule and they act as a whole clay unit.  This high negative ionic charge makes clay a force to be reckoned with in drawing and capturing toxins and pathogens. Because of the high negative charge, some clays have the ability to adsorb and absorb toxins pulling them into the interior layers of the clay and holding them captive, then carrying the toxins out of the body through the feces.6

Clay has the power to attract and either absorb or stimulate the evacuation of toxic and non-useful elements.7 Clay considerably reduces the toxicity of harmful substances.8

The knowledge of these properties would be insufficient to explain clay's active power if we did not understand  that clay is a powerful agent of stimulation, transformation and transmission of energy. We have extraordinary energy resources which normally remain dormant clay awakens them.9 When life force energy flows the body will balance itself.  When the flow stops necrosis kicks in and a burden is placed on the body as the cells cannot  get nourishment.

The molecular structure of the clay molecule is too large for the particle to pass through the colon wall and be absorbed into the blood stream. So once it captures the toxins they are eliminated before they can be absorbed into the body to do harm.

In addition Calcium Bentonite clays are from the Smectite family of clays. Smectite is characterized by its expandable properties.  Unlike the other clays, only Smectite can absorb as well as adsorb toxins. This qualifies its structural uniqueness and sets it apart from all other clays.10

Every cell in our body excretes waste material that becomes toxic and poisonous to our bodies if it is allowed it to build up faster than it can be eliminated by the body. Clay's pH and electromagnetic charge allows it to adapt to its host's dominant needs.

So now that you know what clay is and some of what it does, next comes what you can do to keep your pH in the normal or slightly alkaline range.  Knowing sodas are between 2.4 and 4.0 acidity, drink 1 ounces of pre-mix liquid clay or eat a teaspoon of hydrated clay before you indulge. This goes for alcoholic beverages also.  Be safe and take just a little more afterwards. If you find yourself eating greasy, fried foods, repeat the clay dosage. Not only will you balance your pH but you will keep the body from absorbing cholesterol and excess grease and fats. This will cleanse the internal track of newly ingested toxins and help rid parasites in the colon as well. To bring yourself into a pH  balanced state, start with 2 ounces of pre-mix liquid clay 3 times a day and 2 clay baths a week.  For maintenance, 1 ounce 2 times a day plus 1 ounce before or after indulging in acidic eating, and one clay bath a week is sufficient.

Taking clay baths is another popular method of safe detoxing of heavy metals and chemical toxins that influence our body balance. The clay's strong drawing power will pull toxins lodged in the soft tissues of the body that the kidneys and liver could not filter out, through the pores of the skin.11

To monitor your progress get some saliva or urine pH strips. You can do a Google search for them online or check with your pharmacy. They are inexpensive and help you regulate your progress. 

Clay is God made and all natural. That being said there are 7 families of clays and all clays are different in color, texture, mineral content, energy and absorption. There are specific things to look for in securing a safe clay. Look for a reputable company with easy access to a phone number, and contact information.  Ask for specific information as to the pH of the clay and the type and family of clay.  Some clay can be acidic so be sure to ask. Ask for proof of purity of the clay (certified lab test results of microbial, yeast and mold tests).  Look for a non-gritty, fine milled 325 screen mesh.  You want virtually tasteless, odorless clay. A slightly swelling Calcium Bentonite Clay is best, preferably a virgin natural clay that hasn't undergone any treatment (not processed, washed, heated or gamma rayed). Look for professional packaging (avoid Ziploc bags) and a clay mineral analysis sheet.

In conclusion, give clay a try at raising and maintaining a healthy pH.  Raymond Dextreit in his book, Earth Cures, explains it this way. "It is not possible to foresee exactly what will happen with clay applications especially at first, (It reacts different to each individual's body chemistry and needs) but in every case, there is a remarkable improvement, if not a complete healing.  As there are no dangers to fear, there is no reason to oppose giving it a try, even for an extended period of time."12

Our Earth is the source of infinite means for restoring and maintaining good health. The study of nature is fascinating and rewarding.  We have so much readily available at our fingertips. More and more we are awakening to the value and safety of these natural resources.  Enjoy your journey to healthy living.



1. Nancy Appleton, Ph. D, "How Cooked is too Cooked?" American Holist Health Association,

2.  Ethan Huff, "Prevent Bone Loss: Calcium Ineffective Without Balanced pH," Natural News,  

3.  Fermenation (food), Wikipedia,

4.  Robert O. Young and Shelly Redford Young, The pH Miracle (Wellness Central, 2008)

5.  Kim Evans, "Acid or Alkaline: Why Your Health Depends on It," Natural News,

6.  "How Clay Works -- Adsorption and Absorption," About Clay,  

7. Raymond Dextreit, Earth Cures (Citadel, 2000), 13

8. Michel Abehsera, The Healing Clay (Lyle Stuart, 1986), 11

9. Raymond Dextreit, Earth Cures (Citadel, 2000), 13

10. Ran Knishinsky, The Clay Cure (Healing Arts Press, 1998), 29

11.  Cheryl McCoy, "Clay Baths -- A Safe Method for Body Detoxification," Natural News,

12. Raymond Dextreit, Earth Cures (Citadel, 2000), 23

Perry A~ Arledge is the author of Calcium Bentonite Clay Nature's Pathway to Healing ( and numerous clay articles ( She is a frequent guest on health talk radio shows. She is dedicated to spreading the word about clay's healing potential and putting attention on safe healing with Bentonite Clay.  She is available for lectures, radio interviews, and answering questions on clay therapy. Perry A~ can be reached at 1-512-773-0335 and © 2015 Perry A~  



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Perry A~ Arledge  ~  1308 Sunflower Ln., San Marcos, TX 78666  ~  (512) 773-0335  ~