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Article: The Basic Cause of Disease
by Ran Knishinsky

The Clay Cure by Ran KnishinskyThe following is an excerpt from Ran Knishinsky's book, The Clay Cure:

Health depends on three factors:

  1. Eating good, nourishing foods.
  2. Absorbing those foods properly so your cells don't starve.
  3. Eliminating all the waste matter from your system

First, to live vibrantly, the foods that feed the body must be the right kind--that is, they must contain the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary to feed the cells.  Hippocrates was correct when he said, "Your food shall be your medicine and your medicine shall be your food."  Whatever we put into the body is automatically used for its growth, maintenance, and repair.  That is exactly how food acts as medicine.  A balanced diet provides the building blocks of a healthy body.

Second, the body must properly assimilate the foods to receive their vital nutrients.  When the food enters the small intestine, the pancreas and small bowel wall must send juices and bile to individually digest the carbohydrates, proteins, and fat.  That's a lot of work for a healthy system, much more so for one that is already sick.  If the body cannot perform this job, then the cells become weakened and starve.

Third and last is the importance of elimination.  For many years people in the natural health field have told us that poor bowel health causes and aggravates disease conditions.  Now, research is beginning to substantiate these beliefs.  John Tilden, M.D., author of Toxemia (1974), states that the basic cause of disease is insufficient drainage of waste matter: that toxins have accumulated in the blood above the toleration point, and disease--call it a cold, a flu, a headache--is the result of an accumulation of poisons in the system.

If the system fails to get rid of poisons through the bowels, a constipated condition arises in which the toxins never leave the body.  They sit inside and putrefy.  What's worse, the body doesn't know the difference between live food and dead food in the colon.  It will still try to get nourishment out of waste you would never want to set your eyes upon.  Naturally, this puts a strain on every functioning cell in the body.


The clay's immediate action upon the body is directly on the digestive channel.  This involves the clay actually binding with the toxic substances and removing them from the body with the stool.  It performs this job with every kind of toxin, including those from the environment, such as heavy metals, and those that occur naturally as by-products of the body's own health processes, such as metabolic toxins.  It's hard to believe that the body produces its own toxins, but that may happen as a result of stress, inefficient metabolism, or the proliferation of free radicals.

The body has no problem ridding itself of the clay.  Don't worry about a tiny brick house being built in the middle of your colon.  The clay assists the body's eliminatory process by acting as a bulking agent, similar to psyllium fiber, sweeping out the old matter that doesn't need to be there.  It is not digested in the same manner as food as it passes through the alimentary canal.  Instead, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis, the muscular contractions that move food and stool through the bowels.  The clay and the adsorbed toxins are both eliminated together; this keeps the toxins from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream.



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