Article: Why
Bentonite Clays are Safe to Ingest
by Perry A~ Arledge
It is a known
fact that because of Bentonites' volcanic origins, they
will have small trace amounts of metal oxide trace elements,
primarily aluminum but also lead, mercury and even arsenic. On
the average, clays contain 70-90 trace minerals in parts per
million (ppm). These
heavy metal trace minerals in Bentonite clays are safe because
they are not bioavailable to the body. They serve another
purpose. Their purpose is in the structure of the clay
particle, contributing to the clay's negative ionic charge. In
addition, the clay particle is too large to pass through the
colon into the bloodstream. Bentonites are from the
Smectite family of clays having a dioctahedral 2:1 structure.
clays are a super stable compound, and the minerals are tightly
bound by covalent O and OH (hydroxide) bonds. OH
is an oxygen atom covalently bonded to a hydrogen atom, each
providing an electron to form the covalent bond. Like a chain
link fence these bonds hold the atoms tightly together, forming
the structure of the clay particle.
only minerals bio-available in Bentonites are small amounts of
calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. These are in the
adsorption layer and are the variable charge which is
located on the edges of clay particles. Only these minerals
can be released and absorbed by body.
other minerals in clays are fused together by covalent bonding
and fixed as a permanent part of the clay particle. They form
the large surface area of negative charges that are found
between these microscopically thin layers of clay. They act as a
strong magnetic pole for capturing and removing, viruses,
yeasts, molds, toxins and heavy metals found in the body. [1]
The charge
distribution of positive edges and negative faces is as shown
Below see the clay
mineral structure of a dioctahedral 2:1 structured clay; it has
two tetrahedral sheets, with the unshared vertexes of each sheet
pointing toward each other and forming each side of the
octahedral sheet in between them.
and heavy metals accumulated and stored in the body carry a
positive ionic charge. The strong negative ionic charge on the
large surface area of clays magnetizes these elements and
removes them from the body in two ways: internally, by grabbing
any toxins present in the alimentary canal from the mouth south
and eliminating them from the body; and externally, removing
toxins stored in the body by pulling the toxins out through the
pores of the skin through the actions of clay detox baths. They
become tightly bound to the clay particles.
a chemical analysis to be performed to break these individual
trace heavy metal elements out takes 600-1000 degrees Celsius or
a very strong acid, much stronger than the body can produce. [2]
clay removes toxins while staying intact and exits the body
without being broken down into its trace elements. This
miraculous ability is possible because clays are catalysts. A
catalyst provides activation energy to the body. A catalyst is
an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.
Unlike other reagents, substances that produce a chemical
reaction, catalysts, are not consumed by the reaction itself.
a catalyst, enzymes in the body attach to the clay particles and
together they become co-creators. These pairings are capable of
making amino acids (building blocks of protein), proteins,
peptide chains and minerals the body may be deficient in that
the clay does not even contain. They are magnificent
co-creators. The clay molecule itself is not changed by this
process. [3]
large proportion of our cells, muscles and tissue are made up of
amino acids, meaning they carry out many important bodily
functions, such as giving cells their structure. They also play
a key role in the transport and the storage of nutrients. Amino
acids have an influence on the function of organs, glands,
tendons and arteries. They are furthermore essential for healing
wounds and repairing tissue, especially in the muscles, bones,
skin and hair as well as for the removal of all kinds of waste
deposits produced in connection with the metabolism.
clays should not be evaluated like other foods and supplements
because of the body's inability to metabolize and otherwise
break down the individual trace minerals in the clay. As you
will come to understand, clays are a horse of a different color
and because of their unique abilities, they do not fit the
normal standards for FDA testing and regulations.
is important to know your clays. Some clays are acidic, some
gritty, some high sodium content, and some not mined with care.
Each clay deposit is different in its mineral composition.
company who chooses to provide a Quality Control Report, is
assuring that their clay meets the specifications set by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Bergaya, F. and Lagaly, G.,
Origin of Cation Exchange Capacity, Handbook of Clay
Science, 2nd Edition,
Volumes 1 & 2, 2013 Part B, P. 334
Bergaya, F. and Lagaly, G.,
Origin of Cation Exchange Capacity, Handbook of Clay
Science, 2nd Edition,
Volumes 1 & 2, 2013 Part B, P. 366
Szostak, Jack W. Howard Hughes
Medical Institute (HHMI), Clays as Catalysts, Science. Vol. 302, Oct. 24, 2003
A~ Arledge is the author of Calcium Bentonite Clay Nature's
Pathway to Healing (
and numerous clay articles (
She is a frequent guest on health talk radio shows. She is
dedicated to spreading the word about clay's healing potential
and putting attention on safe healing with Bentonite Clay.
She is available for lectures, radio interviews, and answering
questions on clay therapy. Perry A~ can be reached at
1-512-773-0335 and
© 2015 - 2019 Perry A~